Land Protection Study and Resource Sheet

From 2010 to 2012, the Central NH Regional Planning Commission (CNHRPC) worked with the Upper Merrimack River Local Advisory Committee (UMRLAC) to assess land protection throughout the region. This study included a survey of Planning Boards and Conservation Commissions in the Upper Merrimack River region; the development of a set of maps showing conservation lands, current use enrollment, and high quality habitat areas; and the development of a report summarizing the findings and recent development trends.

Based on responses to the questionnaire, each community was presented with a resource information sheet containing links to resources requested by the Planning Board and Conservation Commission. Resource topics include information on Low Impact Development (LID), changes to the Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act, information on easements and conservation funding, and more.

To see a copy of the resource sheet prepared for Canterbury (and each of the other five towns included in the study) click here then click Canterbury.